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Search results for query #andreisport@ukr.net

4 answer
15.01.2021, 11:10
Error when changing product price
1. Product prices are configured for products. When choosing a price type in the order, it gives an error: "Currency by id=0 not found" h...
10 replies
04.01.2021, 13:42
Statuses of new mail are not updated.
Statuses of new mail are not updated. Everything worked too, but the statuses stopped getting into the box. That is, they are displayed in the TTN ...
3 answer
04.01.2021, 12:47
SMS not sent via turbosms. Statuses of new mail are not updated.
SMS not sent via turbosms. Statuses of new mail are not updated. Box https://aromacarlux.crm-onebox.com/ SMS not sent via turbosms Everything worke...
2 answer
18.12.2020, 21:48
Emails are not sent via Turbo SMS
Emails are not sent via Turbo SMS Box https://aromacarlux.crm-onebox.com/ In the integration settings, everything is specified correctly, until 12/...
ONBOX + OLX integration
Who needs integration with OLX, write off, we can share the cost of integration (If there are a large number of applicants, they will do it for fre...
3 answer
08.12.2020, 17:22
Integration with eSputnik. Sender's name is in the wrong format
Integration with eSputnik. Sender's name is in the wrong format I created an integration and registered all the data as indicated in the descri...
4 answer
13.11.2020, 10:11
Tilda. The cost of the goods increases by a multiple of the number of pieces
When transferring orders from Tilda, the cost of the goods increases by a multiple of the number of pieces For example: The client ordered 2 pcs. g...

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