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Search results for query #бизнес-процесс

5 replies
10.01.2024, 15:39
Does not go to the BP stage
Good afternoon. Please tell me who knows what the problem is. There is a role “storekeeper”, this role was given access rights by certain stages...
10 replies
26.12.2023, 11:22
Switching the stage provided that the checkbox is checked
Good afternoon. Please tell me how to implement switching the power supply stage. When the order is received by the client (when the TTN NP stage i...
2 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
22.09.2023, 17:28
Actions are not dragged in action settings
Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/1012/action/new/ It is not possible to drag actions, it is dragged as text (selected). Please ...
4 answer
05.09.2023, 13:30
Good afternoon Tell me, please, how to make sure that at the stage "Customer Refusal" the order amount is not taken into account in the total amou...
0 replies
08.03.2023, 11:32
Doesn't advance to the next stage
Good afternoon. We can't go to the "Sent" stage in this order https://box.agro-him.com.ua/28079/ This employee https://box.agro-him.com.ua/app/cont...
3 answer
19.12.2022, 03:45
Not enough fields in Create product from process action based on additional process product fields
There is an action in the procedure https://knkrd.1b.app/app/workflow/3/procedure/105/ You can enter a maximum of 10 matches in it. Is it possible ...
1 answer
16.11.2022, 10:06
Bulk create processes from the Contacts app
Hello! Tell me, please, is it possible to configure so that when creating processes for several contacts, processes are created without a prelimina...
1 answer
14.11.2022, 14:21
A note in a business process does not work correctly.
Good afternoon. Perhaps I'm wrong, but there is a strong confidence that the "note" in the business process does not work correctly. ...
6 replies
Personal license
11.10.2022, 14:03
What action can I take the LAST digits from the additional field of the process
Good afternoon. Can you tell me what action I can take the LAST digits from the additional field of the process? well, the type in the process fiel...
System failure
Good afternoon. Today we found that we have all the actions in the configured processes turned off. This is fine? https://sobr.crm-onebox.com/admin...

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