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Search results for query #автоматическое действие

1 answer
Personal license
23.10.2022, 14:21
How to write the Good By Date to a product by automatic action?
In the process of ordering to the supplier https://senseeducation.1b.app/app/workflowtype-sklad/ There are fields "best before" and &quot...
4 answer
09.02.2022, 14:00
Delete empty categories
Good afternoon. Previously, it was possible to set the automatic action once a day to "delete empty categories" Did it disappear in the O...
4 answer
12.11.2021, 10:24
Automatic action advice
You need to do an action once a day that will select all suppliers from the directory /admin/shop/supplier/ Check products for which the supplier i...
Error loading xml file
Good afternoon, the system does not process the Universal Import Products (xml/json) action. giraffe project
4 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
30.07.2021, 22:15
Automatic action not working
There is action pic1 http://i.prntscr.com/iGEuKYM5QoOrdgPG1aqnaA.png Here are his settings pic2 http://i.prntscr.com/H_zbL_PKTTC0a0mq2He7qw.png The...
4 answer
18.06.2021, 17:43
Action checkbox not working
Good afternoon! At the “Sale” stage, there is an action “Fill in the process or contact field” In which the checkbox "Do not fill in the sele...
4 answer
03.03.2021, 13:42
Turn a letter into a process
Good afternoon. Connected mail and set up automatic checking of letters on the box. if there is a letter, then turn it into a process (indicated th...
1 answer
30.11.2020, 14:19
Automatic task setting
- You need to set up BP-delivery. - This process must have a route. - Create groups of clients depending on the address - The system should automat...
6 replies
28.11.2020, 14:18
Bug. Automatic action does not work when saving a product card
The automatic action does not work when saving the product card to copy the supplier field into the product field https://prnt.sc/vrrncf here is th...
1 answer
20.10.2020, 15:51
Refine the action Modify business process and stage depending on field values
The system has an action Change business process and stage depending on the field values It allows you to set conditions Greater than, less than, e...

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