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Search results for query #процедура

10 replies
05.10.2023, 12:16
Improvement: when you press TAB, the procedure should work
Guys, please calculate the modification, namely: if you switch to TAB, the procedure needs to work.
3 answer
26.04.2023, 11:52
The procedure is not performed when switching to a stage
When switching to a stage, there is an option to run a procedure for another business process (if I understand correctly) https://sambag.crm-onebo...
7 replies
Personal license
06.10.2022, 23:29
Buttons can be pressed more than once per second
Here for example https://hellom.1b.app/10484/ button https://take.ms/n94fD "Nadishati TTN" it can be accidentally pressed 10 times in a r...
2 answer
15.08.2022, 14:31
In the "Show Interactive Window" action, add the ability to execute a procedure
Good afternoon! You can make it so that in the "Show interactive window" action you can insert buttons to perform the procedure, similar ...
2 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
25.07.2022, 11:15
the procedure works when you click enter in the order
Here is an order (example) https://sara.1box.link/6960/ Here is the procedure button It turns out that sometimes if you are in an order and press ...
4 answer
23.03.2022, 11:23
Procedure runs every minute
Procedure runs every minute Is there a procedure Should fire when changes It has the action "Set process execution/scheduling date based on a...
1 answer
21.02.2022, 19:33
OS - Bug - Procedure button
Until the button is displayed in the process and is not pressed at least once, the button in the universal block does not work at all. If you press...
1 answer
15.02.2022, 16:58
Sequence of procedures
Let's say there are 2 procedures when saving a process: Procedure 1 Procedure 2 How is the order in which procedures are performed? There is an...
5 replies
10.02.2022, 13:16
Procedure buttons work strangely
Procedures have been added to the process and displayed in the interface in a universal block. I have repeatedly noticed that they do not work in t...
procedure not working
I created a procedure when editing, which should write a value to an additional field of the process, provided that the order and the source are Ro...

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