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Search results for query #платёж

2 answer
17.08.2023, 16:03
Question about revision
Hello! I posted a topic https://1b.app/ru/forum/business-processes/17427-deystviya-po-vneseniyu-izmeneni... to improve the action. The wor...
2 answer
28.07.2023, 12:39
Incorrectly makes a payment in the task
Hello! In the task https://topbox.1b.app/11440/ there is one product worth 370 UAH (process amount). The task also contains an incoming payment in ...
7 replies
24.07.2023, 16:33
Steps to make changes to a payment
Please tell me how can I change the payment category using an action in a business process? I have a task https://topbox.1b.app/14096/?delete=7293 ...
2 answer
10.07.2023, 11:37
Automatically allocate customer payments across processes
Hello! Please tell me the automation logic once per hour for the action "Automatically distribute customer payments by processes" This functionalit...
2 answer
Automatic export of finances from OneBox
Is it possible to set up automatic regular financial export from OneBox? For example, in a Google spreadsheet
2 answer
09.11.2022, 04:04
The setting "Ignore virtual payments in the amounts of incoming/outgoing payments of the business process" does not work
https://murmur.1b.app/app/settings/payments/ unchecked for example process https://murmur.1b.app/87743/ payment https://murmur.1b.app/app/payments/...
1 answer
04.10.2022, 18:02
BUG: search for payments by id does not work
https://murmur.1b.app/app/payments/ I specify the number in the search string and it still needs to be searched by pages
1 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
09.09.2022, 12:18
Evaluate the finalization of the payment binding
When choosing a process, the system prompts when you click on a field in the table you need to evaluate the revision so that it also happens when ...
5 replies
27.08.2022, 13:31
Error issuing repair
A problem appeared (since the day before yesterday) when issuing repairs (BP Vydača device ЦС, Vydača device магазин) When making a payment, it giv...
After receiving the goods of customers - a payment is created
Hello, the question arose of how to make a payment (receipt) to the account of "FOP Pupkin MV" after receiving the parcel by the client A...

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