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4 answer
Is it possible to open client processes in a new tab?
I am attaching a screenshot. Added "recent client processes" to the business process interface. On Sunday, these processes were opened in a new tab...
11 replies
03.03.2023, 17:15
Questions about the "Switch to stage if a letter is received" action
In the stage there is another action "Send a message by email", which sends a letter to the client by mail. and it is necessary that upon receiving...
3 answer
23.04.2022, 06:58
What did OneBox think about the current situation for its customers?
Friends, we can easily arrange things, if we are all in our minds, de, skin from us can come in handy to the situation, and tell us about helping t...
1 answer
Personal license
15.07.2021, 17:51
Consult on what data the client is identified when importing the application from CS-cart
Need to know how to identify the client in the box 1. As a client of registrations in CS-cart 2. If the client does not register in CS-cart In the ...
3 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
13.05.2021, 13:26
Correct the robot "Change the contact group depending on the value of the fields" (Ignore the empty field)
Є client with an empty field "Client status" and can only be used with an empty field "Group". In the settings for automation ...
if the client writes to the chat (viber, telegram) I create the client’s card without a phone number, how did it work with the number (and the de number in the system brought it up to a new one) (from the Facebook chat add email)
if the client writes to the chat (viber, telegram) I create a client card without a phone number, how robiti schob її worked with the number (and d...

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