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Search results for query #банк

Interested in the crm model for banks
I would like to see a working crm for banks The solution is selected for a client who does not want to advertise himself - this is a very large pla...
2 answer
22.12.2020, 11:39
Connection to monobank
Good afternoon! Please help me deal with the integration of monobank, we want to connect. API introduced and added to automation (minutes), I don’t...
1 answer
13.11.2020, 11:40
Integration with otp bank
Is it possible to integrate with otp bank, import/export payments from otp to onebox? here is the api documentation https://www.openbankingtracker....
Stopped generating payment orders in the bank
from https://crm.scoma.ru/admin/shop/workflowstatus/1567/action/new/ p/p is no longer formed in the Point during the action "Create payment AP...
2 answer
18.09.2020, 11:53
integration with Sberbank
Is there integration with Sberbank in boxing?
11 replies
Payment orders are not generated in the Bank client
from 10.09, payments to the client’s bank ceased to be automatically generated, and the payments made were tied to the business process. Nothing wa...

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