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Search results for query #yanina@difreight.com

7 replies
18.01.2021, 10:51
Contact filter pardon
Good day. Contact filters cannot vibrate more than 10 groups. When choosing 11 groups, the party sees a pardon. Correct, be kind.
3 answer
14.01.2021, 14:27
Pervert why files are duplicated?
Good day. In the process https://difreight.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/lidi/10268/edit/?filedelete=6... files are duplicated. The subprocess ...
4 answer
13.01.2021, 16:04
Create a sub-process with pre-add form
At the stage of automation, create a subtask. It is required to enter a form for completing the watering manually before the closing
2 answer
13.01.2021, 10:02
Vivid services by category in the table
Good day. I can serve as "Import Duty Charge" in the "OTHER CHARGES" category, as in my class I can be in the "Delivery Se...
8 replies
Finalization of autoclient import automation
Action in automation 1 time per minute Privat 24 Avtoclient account statement https://prnt.sc/wlqlm7 I propose to add the ability to write the priv...
3 answer
11.01.2021, 17:35
Find contacts, which do not have open processes
Good evening. You need to know the contacts in a specific group, in which there are no other processes. How tse robiti?
4 answer
11.01.2021, 11:10
Filter business processes
The list of business processes needs to be filtered according to the availability of the manager at the client. The field will be displayed in the ...
3 answer
05.01.2021, 16:08
Copy comments
What is the duty to put on the cob stage of the process in order to save all the comments from the Batkiv process in the new?
4 answer
05.01.2021, 10:46
List of contacts
Can you tell me how to enter the "Group" field in the list of contacts?
12 replies
03.01.2021, 11:41
Referral system
Good day! Can you suggest how to set up a referral system for paying not a fee, but for paying a fixed rate per client? Also, how can the Affiliate...

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