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Search results for query #viber

Strange work "Write a message to Viber" from the comments feed
Cannot send a text message from processes through the "Write a message to Viber" comment feed When sending a text + spitting. Only the im...
2 answer
Personal license
14.02.2022, 10:50
switching stages with a variable in the Viber button
Hello! is it possible to configure the viber keyboard button to change the status of the process? tried to configure it like this: https://take.ms/...
6 replies
28.01.2022, 18:55
viber chat
Good afternoon! How can I send a message as a picture (not a file) in the "Send Viber Message" action?
3 answer
28.01.2022, 08:37
I can't send a message in viber through the order
Good afternoon! I can't send a message from Viber through the order. I'm trying to click on the "Viber" icon but nothing happens...
1 answer
After migrating to One Box OS, the link to the client's account stopped working
After migrating to One Box OS, the link to the client's account sent via Viber stopped working. I am attaching screenshots. Tell me what to fix...
3 answer
Personal license
17.01.2022, 15:50
Do not practice before achieving integration
They stopped practicing all the earlier, they made integration, and they did practice boxing: https://brewelit.1b.app/. Viber (recommend to come, i...
4 answer
15.01.2022, 11:49
Finalization of the action send a message to Viber
Good afternoon! Please rate the improvement of the "Send a Viber message" action, namely: adding the setting "Do not send a Viber me...
1 answer
Personal license
13.01.2022, 17:43
it is impossible to connect viber public
registered the Viber bot, received an API key, enter it into the integration - the data is not saved. tried on a test box - connects without proble...
5 replies
24.12.2021, 12:43
When the action is triggered, Check if there is a phone number in the comments and merge the process client with an existing contact - the contacts are merged, but none is deleted
Set up integration with Viber Bot. When writing a message, we create a process, for example https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/customorder/obrashchenie-kl...
2 answer
15.12.2021, 12:09
Turbosms sending to viber
In turbosms, it is possible to send messages to viber https://turbosms.ua/viber.html Here you can specify that you can even just text messages With...

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