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Search results for query #viber

2 answer
01.05.2024, wednesday, 12:58
Very urgent - General chat is not displayed ‼️
The employee's general chat no longer appears in processes as of today. The problem is related to E-chat: if there is an existing corresponden...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
20.12.2023, 12:02
Tell me how to add template comments to send to VIber in the General chat?
Good day, created a template, selected a process, but unfortunately template comments are not pulled into the process. How to set it up properly? ...
5 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
11.12.2023, 17:24
How to constantly display one button when talking to a client?
Good afternoon, we made a Viber bot and encountered a problem when the manager responds to the client through the "General chat" block, then the cl...
3 answer
11.12.2023, 11:54
Incoming Viber messages stopped loading
Last night I stopped receiving incoming messages via Viber. The connection is active. There are incoming messages on the Viber channel in the l...
1 answer
27.11.2023, 12:37
Development of integration of smsviber newsletter
Good day. Aggregator of sms and viber mailings intel-tele.com is looking for help in the development of integration for CRM OneBox Our api document...
2 answer
05.10.2023, 11:43
Messages are not sent to clients
Hello! We stopped sending outgoing messages to clients on Viber through the Viber application from E-chat. From the task https://topbox.1b.app/9114...
Finalization of TURBOSMS Viber integration
Good afternoon Rate the following turbosms viber can communicate with customers via chat We want to communicate through this chat, only using On...
Several numbers for Viber from E-chat
Good day. How much will it cost to upgrade Viber from E-chat so that you can add several numbers. Because the E-chat functionality allows it, but t...
7 replies
05.04.2023, 19:49
File sent to Viber Bot not loading
In the "Check out document" action, an additional process field is specified in the setting: Attach a PDF version of the generated document to an a...
2 answer
27.02.2023, 23:46
picture to message
Can you tell me if it's possible to add a picture to a message? I also can’t figure out how to make a button and attach a link to the button

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