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Search results for query #ryker

4 answer
11.09.2020, 16:17
remove zeros in variable quantity for emails
There is a system variable for the quantity of goods in letters, it is drawn with four zeros, there are customers who believe that this is a thousa...
9 replies
08.09.2020, 22:55
No access to create a product
Hello. I wanted to create a new product, I clicked on the corresponding button https://prnt.sc/udv8fg but it gives an error - Andrey, You do not ha...
9 replies
06.09.2020, 14:28
Correctness of import - export of product characteristics from prom
Prom in the unloading has such entities "Name_Characteristics" (for example, volume), "Measurement_Characteristics" (for exampl...
Possibility of forming the price of goods from the price list from the RRC and from the order price with a discount
Possibility of forming the price of goods from the price list in the RRC and from the order price with a discount At once Upon setting the price Fo...
7 replies
18.08.2020, 17:44
Setting up the transfer of product photos to Rozetka
The client has a website on Prom.ua, he uploads photos of one sample to it. On Rozetka, such photos are not suitable according to the site's po...
Display payment method by legal entity
Please make it possible to restrict the display of payment methods depending on the selected legal entity, in the same way as it was done with the ...
1 answer
Display discount for product bundles
Make a full-fledged display of discounts on product sets such as "Together is cheaper" and so on. Now it just displays the total amount i...
Take action to remove notification from Notification Center
There is an action that creates a notification in the Notification Center, it is convenient for the employee to see the message, you need to do the...
2 answer
27.09.2019, 15:42
default confidential processes for certain processes/tasks
confidential process by default for certain processes or tasks, so that when you select a specific process, for example, "Payment", the c...
Checking the functioning of the mail client
Please make a check connection button in the integration with mail clients section https://crm.infosaver.ru/admin/shop/integrations/imap-new/contro...

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