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Search results for query #rodionfrkhshtv@gmail

13 replies
25.09.2020, 11:13
Free upgrades for OneBox cloud users
Dear users, From 10/05/2020 we are launching free improvements for paid cloud users, described on the forum. For example, if you are a client of th...
124 answer
19.09.2020, 12:02
How does Checkbox integration work?
Please give detailed information on how data is transferred to CHECKBOX. -Yur. face (what?) -Discounts (if there are discounts for both the product...
7 replies
10.09.2020, 16:02
Value highlighting
Please make it possible to specify a condition, for example > 1 http://joxi.ru/4AkL5xLUkXy18r
8 replies
10.09.2020, 14:46
Condition on a variable
It is necessary to implement the following condition, under which a cell in the table with a quantity of goods > 1 will be highlighted. {|if $ro...
10 replies
10.09.2020, 11:32
2015614073 - Refinement of the variable quantity of goods in the order
In Changelog 31.08-06.09 Improvement indicated: The orderProductsCount variable has been improved - counts the number of product positions in the p...
8 replies
09.09.2020, 09:59
When you click on any button, save, send, create ttn, cancel and others, everything that is at the bottom of the screen to perform actions and chan...
7 replies
08.09.2020, 14:58
Print directly to the desired printer so you don't have to choose every time
The customer accepts the goods for inspection. Costs 2 printers - one for printing coupons that are given to the client - the second for printing a...
23 answer
PPO software integration
Good afternoon software development is required The logic of the PRRO The cycle of interaction between the software cash register and the fiscal se...
58 replies
08.09.2020, 06:36
Selling one Onebox license at a discount
Unfortunately, we did not have time to purchase licenses when they were sold by the piece and now we do not need 1 license. I don't understand ...
4 answer
06.09.2020, 14:16
Not all stages are selected
Until the last update, by default, only the Business Process without stages was selected in the process filter. After the update, both the process ...

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