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Search results for query #opencart

4 answer
Feeder Strike
20.04.2023, 13:48
Connecting the box to the server
Good afternoon. Tell me how to properly connect the box to the server, not hosting. When I enter localhost in the Host column, I get an error conne...
3 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
19.04.2023, 20:03
Transfer to opencart categories without description
Here https://sara.1box.link/app/automatization/hour/edit/ It is necessary to add the functionality of transferring categories to opencart without o...
2 answer
15.03.2023, 13:30
Order not transferred from OpenCart
One order 58784 dated March 12 did not go from Opencart to box. For all the time there was no such problem, but it is very critical. What cou...
Prices in opencart orders
Congratulations! In the orders transferred by the automatic action "Import processes from opencart", the sales price and the cost are not recalcula...
10 replies
after changing the servers on the hosting, images stopped being transferred to Opencart
On hosting, the site was transferred to new database and FTP servers (new versions of servers) On the hosting in the crontab (schedule) hour cron, ...
Send integration files for opencart 3.0+
Send integration files for opencart 3.0+
5 replies
11.01.2023, 18:07
The translation that is made by the module is overwritten
Integration with OpenCart was made, after which a module for translating names, descriptions, characteristics, and other test information of goods ...
Integration files for Opencart 4
I want to create a new site on opencart version 4 tell me if there are already files for integration for Opencart 4?
6 replies
28.12.2022, 17:18
Takes a long time to import product images from Opencart
Image imports are specified in hourly action. In MVP, images were loaded with such frequency. In OS, images are loaded once a day. Please fix it - ...
Automation for unloading goods on opencart does not start
Here is the setting https://akmp.com.ua/app/opencart-1/ it doesn't work until you go into automation and click "force start" why can we be like this?

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