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Search results for query #caravellejetta@gmail.com

42 answer
12.11.2020, 16:54
upload to socket
Hello, please set up the correct unloading of goods to the outlet, namely 1) each size (value from the filter) of the product must be unloaded as a...
2 answer
10.11.2020, 15:13
no response to tickets
Hello , 2 days there is no support for created requests , when should I expect ? https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/logistics-and-delivery-services/...
3 answer
10.11.2020, 15:09
order name with rosetka
Hello, is it possible to somehow configure the import of the order name from the outlet by analogy with prom and opencart
8 replies
09.11.2020, 15:48
filters on prom
Hello, please tell me how to correctly configure the transmission of filters to prom https://prnt.sc/vg4sxl now only the size is transmitted as a v...
19 replies
08.11.2020, 14:41
error ttn Nova Poshta
Hello, when creating ttn http://joxi.ru/nAyyQGQtwgKdWA you need to change the recipient http://joxi.ru/YmEwYBYHMw577A but when saving http://joxi.r...
5 replies
08.11.2020, 14:26
wrong tn justin
Hello, I am creating ttn http://joxi.ru/8AnKWkWuyz6GDr error http://joxi.ru/zANw494Hjv30Br please solve the problem
7 replies
08.11.2020, 10:37
error on transition
Hello, when I try to go to the stage, I get the error please specify the reason and solution
3 answer
06.11.2020, 17:55
import orders from rozetka
Hello, if the box does not find the product in the system in the order received from the outlet, is it possible to disable the creation of a new pr...
9 replies
06.11.2020, 15:51
import orders from rozetka
Hello, orders do not enter the box with rozetka please solve the problem order in rozetka account settings in box https://box.optodess.com.ua/admi...
16 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
20.10.2020, 15:02
Justin incorrectly fills in TTN in the order
Here is the order https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/24848/edit/ TTN was created through the tab https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order...

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