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Search results for query #asukhanickiy

2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
14.01.2021, 14:06
How is cost calculated in the P&L report?
How the cost price https://prnt.sc/wnd4p6 is calculated in the report https://prnt.sc/wnd5c6
1 answer
14.01.2021, 13:40
bug! - integration with the socket disappears
Hello, dnj a day in a row something incomprehensible is happening, integration disappears periodically from the action please understand
5 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
11.01.2021, 10:59
Evaluate the automation to unsubscribe. part 2
We evaluated this box https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/other/2171-otsiniti-avtomatizatsiyu-dlya-dovid... It is necessary to supplement additiona...
2 answer
Minute cron not working
Payments are not received on the portal https://admin.uatech.pro/ and orders are not falling
3 answer
06.01.2021, 18:03
BP and surrender
Is it possible and how approximately to set up a business process for a retail store (with a minimum number of blocks: product selection, customer,...
2 answer
Automatic creation of BP and appointment of a responsible person
Good afternoon! The employee performs the task according to his BP and closes it. After closing the BP, a subprocess automatically opens. How can a...
4 answer
06.01.2021, 15:20
The column of residues in the search for products in the card of analogues is not removed
In the BP, when searching for a product that has an analog, you open the Analog tab, you can see the standard blocks (article, name, supplier, pric...
19 replies
23.12.2020, 14:42
file attachment not attached
Hello. in action when clicked workflow/56/procedure/100/?status=0 added action "Send email notification to contact from additional process fie...
8 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
19.12.2020, 12:26
Action didn't work
Here is the order https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/31040/edit/ At 10:05 he moved to the "Paid" status and then to "For cor...
3 answer
how to make a product category be linked to 2 or more parent categories - just to have a double
how to make a product category be linked to 2 or more parent categories - just to have a double example. there is a type of product "heating e...

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