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Search results for query #1с

Some items are not unloaded from 1C to SRM
We have configured integration between 1C and CRM. All goods that are in 1C should be automatically uploaded to CRM. For some reason, several items...
1 answer
Консалтинговая компания БИТ. Директор
22.09.2020, 14:09
Integration with 1C
Is it possible to upload information about weight, length, width, height, volume from 1C to the corresponding fields of VanBox products
2015630884 - Improvement of the /api/1c8x/order-get/ method
In the /api/1c8x/order-get/ method, the ability to pass the legal entity id of the process has been improved. Upload in the contractorid field - if...
Not transferred by legal entity. persons. when loading an order from a box v1s
Not transferred by legal entity. persons. when loading an order from a box in 1s by apі. Programmer for nalashtovuє іntegratsіyu z box in 1s
When loading an order from a box in 1s, is the organization of the order loaded (legal person of the seller)?
When loading an order from a box in 1s, is the organization of the order loaded (legal person of the seller)? Give a ticket for documentation (for ...
7 replies
26.08.2020, 12:07
Integration with 1C
Good day! It is necessary to make payments in OneBox from 1C. Wicorist method /api/1c8x/finance-set/ According to the new documentation? What are t...
3 answer
21.08.2020, 17:16
Integration with 1C
In the integration module, there is a method that allows you to capture "Tags" of entities (name or products) from the box. Tags - fields...
2015602990 - Improvement of the integration module with 1C
For the integration module with 1C, the following has been improved: - filtering similar to other API methods for example: - processes: customorder...

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