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Search results for query #шаблон

3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
22.02.2023, 11:23
Display of goods grouped by model range on the website
On the site, in the search results, the grouping of tweens by model range is enabled There are such products https://newtrend.team/admin/shop/produ...
1 answer
27.09.2022, 23:34
Document template: Is it possible to do a "if" check in the template?
Hello! Tell me, please, is it possible to make a check in the document template so that, depending on the additional field of the process or real t...
9 replies
Subcategories of products
Good day! - in the categories of goods, creating the subcategory "third equal" But on the site, the stench is not shown, if you want to ...
2 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
18.07.2022, 10:13
Evaluate the finalization of the document signature online
There is a need to sign documents through the phone, following the principle of how it works in Privat24 at the checkout. That is, in order to disp...
1 answer
01.04.2022, 17:19
Document's name
Is it possible to somehow insert a variable into the name of the document template in such a way that when it is formed, the name of the document d...
6 replies
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
30.03.2022, 14:35
Finalization of the template header in the message
Add a function in the chat that will be enabled by default as a checkbox like here and in the chat settings other so that you can set a certain t...
3 answer
22.02.2022, 15:30
Need help editing a document
Here is the process https://nudefood.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/issue/1006916/edit/ I create a document in it. https://nudefood.crm-onebox.co...
8 replies
21.02.2022, 09:48
Urgently! BUG! All document templates are gone!
Good morning! We have lost all document templates. Products are not displayed in printable documents. https://crm.hotsalon.com.ua/admin/shop/docume...
Layout of documents, how to do it right?
We print template for assembly https://smallpet.crm-onebox.com/app/document/templates/15/control/ In the template we use - product_image This is ho...
1 answer
12.01.2022, 16:18
Does not create a link to the document
Asked a question before https://1b.app/ru/forum/documents/12633-ne-sozdaet-fayl-na-dokument--avtomatiche... but they didn’t answer for a week, ple...

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