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Search results for query #чек

0 replies
16.05.2024, thursday, 14:23
Settings for creating a check
I am attaching a screenshot. Is it possible to make the check creation action so that the check does not show the items "cash" and "remaining", but...
4 answer
The procedure "Creation of a sales receipt, its fiscalization and delivery to the client by email" does not work correctly
An example of incorrect operation of the procedure: There is an order for a client, for which a subprocess was created. Another order is created fr...
7 replies
Personal license
22.09.2023, 16:58
Display information about the payment method in the check
When calculating with a terminal, the tax office requires adding information about the payment method, bank, check number, etc. to the fiscal check...
1 answer
27.04.2023, 14:16
Incorrect amounts when transferring a check to the Checkbox
Here https://sara.1box.link/41335/ On the button of the procedure "LiqPay" there is an action of fixing a check. Here https://sara.1box.link/app/ap...
2 answer
Error again: The specified check id already exists
Previously there was such a problem: - https://1b.app/ua/forum/integration-with-cashier-and-software-ppo/15277-vkazaniy... - htt...
2 answer
Personal license
30.09.2022, 17:45
How to transfer VAT and Excise duty to the goods receipt at the same time
It is necessary to adjust the display of two taxes (VAT and excise) in the check. Checkbox technical support replied that the code should be transf...
8 replies
You need to send the VAT option on checks
Now in the checkbox there are such settings "VAT rates" a setting is required that would send the data in the receipt at the time of cre...
2 answer
07.01.2022, 16:30
how to see the created receipt in the box and send it to the client, for example
please tell me how to see the created check in the box and send it to the client, for example?
Doesn't work Take integration name from additional field for Checkbox
There is a procedure that generates a check, and it contains an additional field from which to take the name of the integration. How it is necessar...
4 answer
02.01.2022, 14:56
error creating check
Hello, when you try to go to the stage at which the action to create a receipt is set, after a pause, an error appears without comments and the tr...

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