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Search results for query #фильтры

6 replies
22.07.2021, 15:24
Content management and submission to OpenCart
box http://crm.osd.ua/admin/ 1. You need to synchronize http://crm.osd.ua/admin/shop/integrations/opencart-2/control/ with the opencart test enviro...
6 replies
21.07.2021, 16:04
OS - report on sales sold from stock
15 replies
21.07.2021, 01:23
You need to copy the product filters to the found product
box https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin I need to implement the following: 1) If the product meets the conditions of additional fields, then when s...
8 replies
19.07.2021, 19:17
Business processes as a standalone application
I have a business process group called "order" In this group there are such processes as "customer order" "order to suppli...
3 answer
19.02.2021, 11:23
How does the product import functionality work in the context of Filters?
Hello! Tell me, how does the import functionality work in the context of Filters? (https://prnt.sc/100ng40) Task number 1 - the product has 10 filt...
12 replies
Personal license
25.11.2020, 17:02
Sorting and filtering in the product tables
1. Evaluate the sorting order by columns of the column when clicking on the column header https://prnt.sc/vpvfnq by analogy with the list of proces...
21 answer
17.11.2020, 12:31
Not all filters from the outlet
I open the "Shampun" category on the outlet https://rozetka.com.ua/shampun/c4657710/ There is a filter "Series" (As an example ...
1 answer
20.09.2020, 15:06
Spelling errors, typos
Hello! Please correct the mistake in the name of the section Filters https://prnt.sc/ukikot

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