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Adding Users
Hello! Knocks out an error when adding a new employee (through the link he registers himself). Admin added it manually, still can't log in.
2 answer
30.05.2023, 10:32
Managers don't see each other's messages
https://box.agro-him.com.ua/ Good afternoon In the order, managers do not see what message another manager sent to the client. How to open acces...
2 answer
Personal license
23.12.2022, 23:16
BUG - the list of notifications from employees does not open
https://sbplus.1b.app/ - the list of notifications for employees does not open, it is impossible to clear notifications
CRM for employee control
We need a system in which it will be possible to monitor the work of employees. You need to keep track of time and then form wages based on hours w...
5 replies
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
22.07.2022, 16:16
Report for each employee with filtering
Here is the report https://fr-auto.1box.link/app/report/desiner/12/view/?order_filtercustomSkladdly... It has a ...
1 answer
Kick an employee out of the system
We have 1 license for a box (test) http://box.os.generator.ua/desktop/ and we don't know who came Accordingly, since we cannot throw out licens...
18 replies
26.05.2022, 13:20
In OS, when hovering over an employee's contact, the phone is not displayed in the company card
In the previous version of the box, when you hover over an employee's contact, the company card displayed his phone number and viber button. It...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
21.01.2022, 08:48
Help, does not allow employees in Onebox OS
Good morning, yesterday we were upgraded to Onebox OS and at 12 midnight, employees were allowed to work when testing. This morning, everyone has a...
2 answer
16.11.2021, 19:42
Not displayed Active employees of the company in the sub-process
https://sst.1box.link/24/ - process example Here the company is a client and it has an employee Using the procedure https://sst.1box.link/app/work...
2 answer
21.09.2021, 10:31
Did not fill in the directory with automation Employees.
Did not fill in the directory with automation Employees. The directory was created a few days ago but it has not been filled. https://crm.sportli...

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