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Search results for query #распределение платежей

4 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
25.12.2020, 20:18
refinement of the action "Distribute payments among processes based on expected payments" (distribution of payments among several processes while maintaining the original payment)
the action "Distribute payments among processes based on expected payments" needs to be improved in such a way that the action automatica...
Useful in "Automatically distribute customer payments by processes"
Useful in "Automatically distribute customer payments by processes" Do not break the payment into kіlka and in the Payment add the proces...
3 answer
13.10.2020, 19:47
Distribution of one payment between several orders of the same supplier
Situation: There are several orders to the supplier for which goods have been received and we have an obligation to pay for these several deliverie...

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