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Search results for query #продукт

The connection with the supplier is deleted!
I connect the supplier through the import of xlsx products. It seems to me that the connection with the supplier is deleted after 10-15 minutes whe...
What is Provider Availability
In the fine settings of product import, there is such a field "Availability from the supplier" What is it responsible for? What are its functions?
what is "supplier availability text"?
In the fine settings of product import, there is such a field "supplier availability text" What is it responsible for? What are its functions?
Due to import, indicate the availability of the product at the supplier?
Is it possible through one of the imports to indicate availability at the supplier We are talking about the checkbox in the photo.
How to market a product if it is always unique???
How to work in OneBox if I have a product that is always unique? (example "window", always unique for each client). How to keep a warehouse for suc...
How to import "Crushing" for a product?
Is it possible and how to import "Crushing" for the product?
3 answer
10.11.2022, 12:48
How to make it possible to enter 2 values in the product filter
There is a filter, there is a directory in which values are stored, the directory is tied to the product filter Should I make it so that it is poss...
3 answer
09.11.2022, 00:06
BUG Outputs the color and not the type to the filter
process https://murmur.1b.app/2516/#done there is a pair with sole type 21150 https://murmur.1b.app/app/product/140/edit/?tabid=1 in the process, w...
3 answer
02.11.2022, 08:58
Sometimes an action is triggered several times per stage
There is a BP https://sara.1box.link/app/workflow/17/constructor/ There is a stage here https://sara.1box.link/admin/shop/workflowstatus/257/action...
Variable value product
Is it possible to have a product in the system that consists of values that can change? This product is day-night roller blinds or aluminum blinds ...

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