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Search results for query #опенкарт

OpenCart - OneBox integration
After transferring the site to a new hosting, it is not possible to pick up orders from the database in CRM box.profish.ua, I prescribed new settin...
24 answer
29.12.2023, 18:16
Optimizing the operation of the "Update availability in opencart" action
Good afternoon Is it possible to optimize the operation of an action so that it runs in a few seconds? Is there a direct upload to the database? C...
2 answer
26.12.2023, 13:24
Orders stopped being imported into boxing
Hello. A couple of days ago, orders from opencart stopped being imported. Noted which stopped working https://prnt.sc/It4vDmiCvwE9 https://cabinet....
6 replies
10.09.2023, 15:54
Needs improvement: Check the box "Including VAT" in the product card when importing goods from OpenCart
Rate the improvement in the Action "Import products from Opencart" Option: Check the box "Including VAT" in the product card
0 replies
04.09.2023, 13:48
Incorrectly imported article from Opencart
There are leading zeros in the article number. The article is imported into the box without zeros. Please correct, because the article can be not...
1 answer
30.08.2023, 15:38
Questions about loading product names from Opencart in Ukrainian + revision
1. I understand correctly that the name of the goods is transmitted in Ukrainian: - in the checkbox when creating a PPO check, - to document and pr...
2 answer
10.08.2023, 12:45
Product photos are not included in opencart
Good day. I connected the second integration with openkart, but the photos do not load Here are the settings https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/app/...
5 replies
orders do not go from opencart to box
orders from open cards do not come to the box one order came from the list https://prnt.sc/fP1H8TiRqN9m the rest of the latest orders do not fly in...
5 replies
18.07.2023, 08:14
Frequency of importing processes from OpenCart
Good afternoon. There is an action "Import processes from Opencart": When enabled, it fires every minute. How to make some integrations work not p...
Orders from Openkart are not delivered to the box
reinstalled the openkart 3 site set up the integration orders came in at first, but there were errors in the buyer's name, then they stopped ...

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