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Search results for query #нп

7 replies
25.10.2021, 11:21
NP - AdditionalInformation length is incorrect
https://rivcont.info/2520762/invoice/ Error Decryption with NP Tell me, what is the error?
14 replies
Make the area visible when choosing a city in the directory.
Good afternoon, we have been updating the extended references of NP for shipment through NP Logistics. https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/logistics-...
5 replies
04.10.2021, 09:11
Error in the formation of TTN NP
An error occurred when generating TTN NP for a parcel terminal. Gives this error ( [method] => addInvoiceCargo [comment] => Create TTN Cargo ...
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
22.09.2021, 22:17
Errors when creating an NP
Is it possible to display a real error from the api NP instead of "Check the correctness..."
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
22.09.2021, 22:12
Renovation of NP branches
How often are NP branches updated and are they updated? There was a problem in the order with the address, the branch was temporarily not working, ...
7 replies
22.09.2021, 18:13
os - number of TTN places - display as a column in the list of processes
1. Есть процессы сборки https://rivcont.info/app/workflowtype-issue/?dumpHash=&objectsFromName=&...
6 replies
21.09.2021, 14:18
OS - NP created two TTNs
At the "Generate TTN" stage, according to the process logs https://rivcont.info/2464767/, one TTN was formed - 20450443381515 In the NP o...
Duplicate IR statuses with forwarding status
https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/275573/ By order and by TN 20450439665320 - redirection, but for some reason the status is "picked up, money ...
3 answer
14.09.2021, 09:19
BAG. Does not transfer to a stage depending on the status
Boy, darling. There's a problem, here's the stage https://monoshop.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/133/action/new/ There are actio...
3 answer
13.09.2021, 09:59
When creating a TTN, another address is pulled up
There is an order https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/28002/edit/ the address specified in the order is When you go to the ne...

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