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3 answer
01.07.2021, 12:40
Extreme activity on the server
Tell me, what could be the reason for such activity tonight on the server? Anyone had the same today?
2 answer
12.05.2021, 10:02
CPU usage 200-400%
Good afternoon. Help me to understand. Tell me, please, how is this even possible? What's been going on with our boxing lately? Why did we sudd...
2 answer
Which rate is right for me?
I have over 100 thousand products Approximately 3000 orders per day. Tell me what tariff is suitable, is it possible to buy an extra bed on server ?
1 answer
Critical loads
What is the maximum number of API requests per second that the OneBox software can handle For example, at the same time there will be a request for...
5 replies
28.01.2021, 12:24
CRM system lags when performing certain operations
Client box https://megazayka.crm-onebox.com/admin/ there is an order https://megazayka.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/12405/edit/ when addi...
2 answer
Optimal server configuration
at the next load 100 000 checks/day 2,000,000-3,000,000 clients in the database 500-600 outlets 1000-1500 cash registers 1000 000 loyalty cards 50-...
2 answer
09.12.2020, 14:40
High server load
I choose between CRM ONEBOX and completely my own development of a similar platform. Obviously, from the point of view of saving money and time for...
1 answer
OneBox Load Testing
Have OneBox product health loads been made? Can I get a product test report?
2 answer
18.11.2020, 16:48
Interested in the limits of the productive work of the system: how much additional fields can be painlessly added for the speed of the system?
Hello. Tell me, please, how much can I painlessly add additional fields in processes for the speed of the system? And how slow is the work (how to ...

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