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Search results for query #контакт

2 answer
31.01.2022, 11:33
Bug in the process Contacts block
Another bug in the Contacts block of the process https://crm.hlr.ua/admin/customorder/rutinnie-prodazhi/3482256/edit/ in our settings we have a cho...
2 answer
Changes to the contact card interface are not saved
Hello! I am trying to change the contact card interface. I am adding blocks. Then I save and everything added disappears. What is wrong?
1 answer
17.01.2022, 15:09
contact card not opening
I can't enter the contact card https://crm.hlr.ua/admin/shop/users/11856/ Please check why?
5 replies
24.12.2021, 12:43
When the action is triggered, Check if there is a phone number in the comments and merge the process client with an existing contact - the contacts are merged, but none is deleted
Set up integration with Viber Bot. When writing a message, we create a process, for example https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/customorder/obrashchenie-kl...
1 answer
Merging contacts
Please clarify according to the OS version - if Contact 1 had Events (email), I combined his card with the card of Contact 2. But email is not disp...
9 replies
Display of BP in the contact card, where the contact is specified in an additional field
Hello! In BP as a client, I specify jur. a person I cooperate within this BP with specific employees of the client. To do this, I created an additi...
8 replies
Deleting a client
Tell me, please, what happens during the removal of the client, and then the creation of the client with the same phone number? Actually, apart fro...
2 answer
13.12.2021, 09:39
Refinement assignment of additional fields to utm_source source
Purpose: the client (group - partner) in the personal account should be able to add utm_source to his registered source. As we see the implementati...
1 answer
24.11.2021, 14:44
Viewability of deleted contacts
In this topic, food was already given https://1b.app/ru/support/contacts/9568-udalenie-kontaktov/ but there was no reply to the rest of the comment...
7 replies
Contacts are not exported | OS
Good afternoon. The letter with contacts does not come when exporting. There is a message that in a couple of minutes it will come and nothing. box...

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