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Search results for query #кабинет

3 answer
22.03.2021, 13:12
Several offices of UkrPoshta
In integration with UkrPoshta, it is not possible to specify several UkrPoshta accounts with different keys (as is done with Nova Poshta) You can d...
1 answer
22.03.2021, 11:20
Working with a personal boxing account
Tell me, is there an opportunity to run a task in the LC?
2 answer
Администратор проектов
16.03.2021, 14:15
What will happen to the personal account functionality in the new OneBox OS?
The rental client is interested in what will happen to the LC in the new OneBox OS, because now there are questions about improvements, but it is n...
21 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
09.03.2021, 17:38
How to disable discount in personal account for price levels??
Price levels configured https://prnt.sc/10h88vd Product example https://onebox.ossaframes.com/admin/shop/products/18944/edit/ I log in under the cl...
3 answer
Personal account_Ability to set your own password
The client needs to give the opportunity to his users with the client access level in the personal account to change and set their own password. No...
6 replies
16.02.2021, 16:36
Fermentation of watering in LC
You can improve the process of filling fields in the LC: move between the fields of the process and the product tables with a tabulator, so that af...
4 answer
16.02.2021, 16:25
Comments interface in personal account
Good day. Fix the interface of the comments block in the personal account. Chi is possible and skilki years of work. 1. Tidy up icons 2. Clean up d...
5 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
11.02.2021, 12:41
Finalize the setting
Yanina Yurchuk, [11.02.21 10:02] Good early. Let me know if you can show an additional field/block less in the dropdown, if in the other additional...
6 replies
07.02.2021, 13:30
Customizing the shopping cart interface in your account
Good afternoon! 1. How to remove the "discount" field from the cart and leave only the total (here is an example from a similar account ...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
03.02.2021, 09:25
Goods are not sent to the order from the personal account form
Made an edit: https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/interface/6108-ne-otobrazhaetsya-pole-formi-s-... The block was removed, but t...

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