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Search results for query #заказы

3 answer
05.04.2021, 21:10
Doesn't return a product when searching
I can not post the goods and create an order with it. When searching, I indicated the full name, external id and article, but the product does not ...
Urgently!!! Error creating invoice
When creating a New Mail invoice, an error occurred. The selected recipient does not have the EDRPOU. Create a new Recipient or issue a Document to...
3 answer
26.03.2021, 15:23
Barter order
Good afternoon. A question arose, we began to receive orders by barter. How can we take them into account so that there are no payments for them in...
Stopped receiving orders from 2 stores on Prom
Good afternoon. Since yesterday, no orders have been received from the prom
7 replies
18.03.2021, 10:47
Stop loading orders from Opencart
The integration was set up and tested for a month, everything worked, a couple of days ago there was an order for the site but it was not received ...
5 replies
17.03.2021, 18:23
The product in the order is not correctly picked up
The product in the order is not correctly picked up. Orders go with PromUA I am attaching examples: 1- a product that stretched in the box 2- a pro...
Automatic redistribution of a client to a group
Good afternoon! Ask a question like this: We have a number of groups where there are default discounts. That is, the client enters the personal acc...
2 answer
16.03.2021, 10:29
Automatic redistribution of a client to a group
Good afternoon! We have a number of contact groups , all of them mean the size of the discount on the product. We made that the discount depends o...
2 answer
PROBLEM! statuses in the employee's access rights are disabled, but the employee still sees them and can use them in the process
PROBLEM! statuses in the employee's access rights are disabled, but the employee still sees them and can use them in the process. How to fix it?
6 replies
Problem. All business process statuses are not displayed in access rights
Problem. All business process statuses are not displayed in access rights. There is no way to customize the work of employees. In the BP there are ...

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