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Search results for query #заказы

Not receiving notifications for new orders
Good afternoon. After switching to OS, notifications about new orders stopped coming to the notification center. Only come when order with Prom. No...
15 replies
20.12.2022, 15:27
Taking into account the discount on a canceled order
Good afternoon, we encountered such a problem, in many canceled orders a negative margin is displayed, we began to study the issue, in all such ord...
3 answer
Display an additional field in the order card
Good day! At the card, I need a lot of money to be stingy with every purchase earlier. For example, enter three values: the number of the engagemen...
28 replies
03.11.2022, 19:40
Orders are not transferred
Orders from the site are not transferred to the box. Here is the action setting An order of this type is constantly being created. I delete it,...
Orders from Horoshopa do not come in
Good afternoon. Stopped ordering for more than a day. Here is crm https://andser.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/?workflowid=14&searchL...
3 answer
06.10.2022, 14:18
when creating a product does not allow you to select a brand
In the order, when creating a new product, the list of brands is not loaded
1 answer
Minute Cron runs for 20 minutes
Here's the stats https://stimul.crm-onebox.com/app/system-statistic/ The most consumed ones take a total of a minute, and cron runs 20 minutes ...
2 answer
25.08.2022, 10:51
Loading orders
Hello, tell me, is it possible to load orders for a certain period of time, or better with a certain status, for example: "New"? A large ...
CRM for the installation organization
We, OneBox Corp, will help you implement the OneBox system. Our task is to provide you with the most effective solution that will allow you to mana...
BUG!! Not all orders were received by CRM!!!
Yesterday, orders were received until 19:22 from Wordpress and that's it, then they started to arrive today. For yesterday there are not many o...

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