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Search results for query #доробка

9 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
09.04.2024, 12:22
modification of procedure tips
please rate the work it is necessary to make it so that when the mouse cursor is placed on the button for calling the procedure, the following is...
4 answer
22.02.2024, 16:52
Please evaluate the possibility of finishing
The company, which is engaged in creating an online store on Magento, submitted the following tasks, due to which they cannot upload products to th...
4 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
16.02.2024, 18:15
finalize the option "do not update business process and process status after download"
please complete the automatic action "Import data from Google spreadsheets (Google Spreadsheet)" so that when updating processes (the "Search by pr...
3 answer
05.02.2024, 06:12
Evaluate the possibility of finishing the brewing process
There is a process https://skinon.1b.app/19/ it has a product (eg https://skinon.1b.app/app/product/245/edit/) that has a price per ml and volume h...
1 answer
Personal license
27.12.2023, 20:17
Improvement of the functionality
Previously, there was a topic on the forum about the improvement of the functionality "Work of several users with one process" https://1b.app/ua/fo...
4 answer
15.11.2023, 01:26
Evaluate the possibility of completing the action Send a message to the E-chat chat
Evaluate the possibility of completing the action Send a message to the E-chat chat https://i.imgur.com/45P4HQ5.png namely: add the possibility of ...
13 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
14.11.2023, 18:12
finalization of integration. recorded in additional event fields
Project https://jaluzi-service.1b.app In the integration settings with Binotel telephony, please https://i.imgur.com/Ln1dNyM.png 1. add the ability...
Finalization of integration
Good day! Is it possible to finalize the integration in terms of obtaining balances from ERC for the specified warehouse in advance?
0 replies
Personal license
26.10.2023, 15:00
Please rate the update for the report Client report (document template)
For the report Client report (document template) https://i.imgur.com/Pcrn3S9.png add the ability to filter data by company and its employees https:...
Needs improvement When choosing a brand in the category of goods, a human-understandable jul
Needs improvement When choosing a brand in the category of goods, a human-understandable jul. And that it is available for indexing and sitemap. Cu...

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