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Search results for query #автоматизация процессов

1 answer
automatic message not working
Here is the process https://rodsad.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/otchet/21122/edit/ It automatically goes to stages At the sent stage, there is...
1 answer
18.01.2022, 17:44
Action to add products from one process to another
Let me explain with an example: We create processes from different processes, they are not interconnected, in each of these processes in the add. p...
5 replies
24.12.2021, 09:45
Does not process the action Change the stage of processes if there was a call with a client
Good morning. There are processes that are created from a missed call from the client, if after that there was a call to the client - by the action...
4 answer
10.12.2021, 12:19
In the additional field associated with the directory, search by value does not work
Good afternoon. There is a reference book with automation of finances and wallets, one of the fields is associated with an additional process field...
Automatic BC change
Good afternoon. There is a parent BC of type 1, we create another BC of type 2 from it, carry out work and close it, after some time in a BC of typ...
5 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
25.11.2021, 17:26
Transition to status hangs
https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin/customorder/whosale/43295/edit/ going to stage 1 https://take.ms/mRRGu
2 answer
18.10.2021, 11:06
Kron lay down. Payments and orders do not fall.
https://monoshop.crm-onebox.com/ cron seems to be resting. Payments and orders do not fall. Tell me pliz what loads kroner so? Can we lift?
2 answer
14.10.2021, 11:42
boxing changed stage
1. Process https://rivcont.info/app/history/orders/2503401/?systemchange=1&filter2_key=...
2 answer
07.09.2021, 09:29
On what day of the week was the Business Process created?
Tell me, are there any actions in the process that make it possible to count the day of the week (Monday / Tuesday, etc.)? I need to determine on w...
Automatically distribute employee business processes to other employees
- Configured action once per minute "Automatically distribute employees' business processes to other employees" In which 4 statuses a...

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