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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

0 replies
today, 15:27
Error notification color when adding a product by barcode is unsuccessful
Please change the color of the notification when adding an item using a barcode is unsuccessful in the Re-listing section to red. Ideally, add erro...
0 replies
today, 14:59
Needs improvement: Filter in Product Linking
You need a filter Related/Unrelated Products in the Linking Products section
0 replies
today, 14:58
permission settings for IP addresses from which the user is allowed to make API v2 requests
Good afternoon, please tell me a question about OneBox OS API v2 (I can't find it in the description). 1. Where is the permission setting for I...
0 replies
today, 14:51
The action "Create an order for a supplier" needs improvement.
Good afternoon, we need some improvement in the “Create an order for a supplier” action when the “Create or check a business process for a supplier...
persistent request for authorization
The Chrome Box browser keeps asking for authorization (session up to 30 minutes) https://logist2024.1b.app/ the cache was cleaned, there is no such...
4 answer
Integration with Epicenter
Good day. Epicenter opened a new function - API integration from srm. Will onebox have the appropriate action to import orders from Epicenter?
1 answer
22.05.2024, wednesday, 18:16
Additional ordering information in the process list
There is such a problem that if you add orderproductfields to json data using a post request api/v2/order/get/, then not a single field from orderp...
11 replies
22.05.2024, wednesday, 15:31
Pagination in api v2
How to receive data in parts using an api/v2/order/get/ request, I used offset, page, part, nothing helps, in the quality parameters, in the body o...
5 replies
We need an up-to-date instruction
It is not clear how Productlist works. Everything is done according to the existing instructions, but when switching to the Productlist, instead of...
3 answer
22.05.2024, wednesday, 01:16
Needs improvement in action Receipt the contents of the process to the warehouse
You need the option "Do not reserve products for related processes if the related process is closed or the products in it have already been shipped...