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OneBox user forum

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ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
2 min. ago
Evaluate the completion with complex reservation of goods in warehouses according to the described logic
There is the following task: 1. We have several warehouses and they have product balances without a reserve: - 1 piece in the First warehouse - the...
Removing a process by its number
Is it possible to somehow delete a process knowing its number (through an action)? For example, I create a process, then at a certain stage a subpr...
Is it possible to hide the delivery method?
It used to be possible to hide the delivery method, just as it is now possible to hide the payment method. For now, the delivery method can only be...
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31.05.2024, friday, 17:52
When creating a process from a form, the client, not the manager, is responsible for the process
Congratulations, for an unknown reason, when filling out the form, the machine puts the client in charge of the process
1 answer
31.05.2024, friday, 15:25
Business process history
I get a list of processes from /api/v2/order/get/. Is it possible to find out more information about changes in the order by id which is in 'value'...
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31.05.2024, friday, 09:53
A problem with displaying sent emails from email
When sending a letter to the client's e-mail not from OneBox, but from the connected mail, several copies of this letter are displayed in the clien...
2 answer
Error 404
When I try to generate a token for API v2, it gives a 404 error, I can’t understand why - all the parameters seem to be set correctly.
2 answer
30.05.2024, thursday, 10:33
OneBox OS app won't install on Galaxy S24 Ultra
A white screen opens and that's it... has anyone encountered this? how to solve a problem?
0 replies
29.05.2024, wednesday, 16:10
Automation does not work - a process is not created based on a missed call
Automation stopped working. Integration settings on screenshots. We tried all sorts of settings. We contacted Binotel support - eve...
1 answer
29.05.2024, wednesday, 13:20
API v1: Update optional field for users
Congratulations. It is necessary to update the custom field for the user according to API v1. I did not find such a mechanism for /api/contact-upda...