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Universal product import stopped working (xml/json)

I imported the product through the Universal Import of Products (xml/json), the product was added but without characteristics.
I changed the tags according to the characteristics and wanted to update the product, but the product stopped updating at all. I changed the path to the array, tried different options, but was not updated.
Here is the product in which the description was deleted for verification https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/admin/shop/products/913823/edit/
https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/#done lowest action
and tell me, please, if I entered the tags for the characteristics correctly
Original question is available on version: ru


I changed the tags according to the characteristics and wanted to update the product, but the product stopped updating at all.

probably because the path should be items/item
26.04.2021, 17:02
Original comment available on version: ru

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