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List of related questions and answers «Supplier and price list management»

5 replies
03.10.2023, 13:32
When creating a file for import to the industry, units of measurement began to be displayed incorrectly
When creating a file for import into the industry, the units of measurement began to be displayed incorrectly. Some products pcs. , others with pie...
3 answer
29.09.2023, 12:21
Getting to know the add-on
Hello. How or where can I look at this addition? Perhaps there is a demo version? Thank you
2 answer
21.09.2023, 19:35
Application settings not working or need some improvements?
In the "Price and Availability Recalculation" application there are marked settings (Price recalculation settings.png): - "Recalculate product pri...
Transfer of utm tags with prom_rework
Good afternoon There are orders that come from the prom Is it possible to add utm tags to the integration? TP Prom replied that they have such an o...
Change in purchase price
Tell me please. I have a purchase price of $ for each product. But we buy some goods in hryvnias. I made a separate step in the "update purchase pr...
8 replies
21.08.2023, 16:59
When exporting through the "Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua)" action, characters are removed from the name of the parameter
When forming CML through the action "Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua)" Removes the first characters from the parameter name For example, ...
The Switch stage setting does not work if the order status in Rozetka has changed
The Switch stage setting does not work if the order status in Rozetka has changed
The Switch stage setting does not work if the order status in Rozetka has changed
The Switch stage setting does not work if the order status in Rozetka has changed
6 replies
BAAs Dev.
12.08.2023, 17:31
DOESN'T WORK Import orders from Rozetka Seller API
For the last week, orders have stopped being imported even more correctly, namely, products are loaded as a text version in the UKR language. Altho...
3 answer
07.08.2023, 12:54
Forming an order to a supplier based on sales statistics
Please tell me how to form an order to the supplier not according to the minimum reserve, but according to the statistics of the sold goods (for ex...