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Password manager

Please make a password manager.
So that when assigning a role to an employee, the passwords of employees of this role would automatically become available to him.
And now you have to store it in the knowledge base and prohibit everyone except certain ones from watching.
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello, you are using the system in a very strange way in my opinion. Why collect user passwords in one place and why log into the system under other users? What can you see there that you will not see under your user?
18.09.2020, 10:58
Original comment available on version: ru

I meant that when Assigned to the role of a marketer, passwords from accounts become available to an employee
08.10.2020, 22:38
Original comment available on version: ru

I understand what you meant. I don't understand the purpose of what this is for. You can set access rights without a password so that you can see all the tasks of an employee from under your account.
09.10.2020, 10:34
Original comment available on version: ru

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