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List of related questions and answers «Online forms and survey forms»

4 answer
08.03.2023, 10:59
Error adding code to head
We configure tracking of conversions, their transfer to Google Analytics, through events in the tag manager, for this I try to connect it by insert...
2 answer
16.02.2023, 17:14
Form fields not being added
Good afternoon When creating a form, I can not add fields, a similar situation is on several more boxes. Previously, when creating the form, severa...
1 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
06.02.2023, 19:22
When creating a new form, you cannot add fields
In this box: samboroborona,1b,app/app/forms/ Link to new form: app/forms/5/edit/ Screen 1282 with an example of the new form Please fix it. Found a...
4 answer
30.01.2023, 12:30
Form fields are not added
Hello! When creating the form, I can't add fields, a similar situation exists in several other boxes.
4 answer
Personal license
09.12.2022, 10:19
Evaluate Form Refinement
1. You need to add a field with country code substitution 2. The field mask should change depending on the user's ip-address. If it is determ...
1 answer
Personal license
29.11.2022, 14:05
Styles in head
Tell me, is it possible to prescribe styles in the head? An example of the code that was written in the head: <style> .form-group, .mb-3 { ma...
1 answer
25.11.2022, 12:40
Writing your own CSS styles: how to add CSS styles to the Head of a contact form?
How is the code inserted into the head of the contact form? Adding styles like in the screenshot didn't work
2 answer
Personal license
10.11.2022, 13:29
Improvement needed
Please evaluate the finalization of the forms, at the moment the required field in the form is highlighted and the text is displayed only in the la...
9 replies
01.11.2022, 12:06
Connecting Liqpay for the online form
Good day. There is an online form - https://bit.ly/3Wmb1x6 which the client fills out, at the end of the form the client chooses the type of paymen...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
30.10.2022, 11:25
Is it possible to use custom CSS styling for the forms we create to increase the competitive appeal of OneBox OS
Here is an example of the form as is: https://icoloronebox.crm-onebox.com/form/0/6/ I insert such a form on my site, screen 1182. Here you can see ...