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Solution for the food industry

The company has food production and sales
The main task is to see net earnings and the cost of goods
1. Warehouse accounting of goods
2. Daily turnover and Cost of goods - the difference between income and costs
3. Report on income from clients - sorted clients from largest to smallest according to the income from each
4. Report on income by goods - sorted goods from largest to smallest according to the income from each product
We need proposals from integrators to implement such wishes.
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon!
1. It will take 10-12 hours of a senior integrator to complete the inventory control + training
2. In order to implement this item, it will be necessary to download and structure the database of goods, enter the purchase and sale prices. Next, you will need to build a BP chain:
- BP Sales
- BP purchases
Then, in the report designer, implement a comparative report in order to see the difference between income and costs. For this setting it is necessary from 15 -32 hours of the senior integrator.
3. It takes 8 hours of a senior integrator to build a report + train a client.
4. It takes 2 hours of a senior integrator to train a client on a standard report on sold goods. If the standard report does not meet the needs of the client, it will be necessary to set up an individual report from 5 to 10 hours of the senior integrator.
For a more accurate assessment or additional advice on implementation, we recommend contacting us at the contacts -
07.10.2020, 11:19
SHEBO Original comment available on version: ru

Легеза Вячеслав iCOLOR OneBox
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license

Zagatny Kirill
Employee wrote:
The company has food production and sales
The main task is to see net earnings and the cost of goods
1. Warehouse accounting of goods
2. Daily turnover and Cost of goods - the difference between income and costs
3. Report on income from clients - sorted clients from largest to smallest according to the income from each
4. Report on income by goods - sorted goods from largest to smallest according to the income from each product
Suggestions from integrators are needed to implement such wishes

There is not enough information on the project yet.
More details are needed to give a more accurate estimate.
As described now.
1. Contact database:
- clients, divided into groups
- suppliers
2. The base of goods, otherwise the product nomenclature
3. Business process package:
3.1. Purchasing from a supplier
3.2. Sales order Sales,
you can filter by customer groups, sort by customer income
3.3. A simple task to communicate within the company and with customers
4. Warehouses to control and manage inventory.
5. Finance to manage expected and actual payments.
You can order the work right now at the link
6. You need to work with reports on goods in the required format separately.
7. There is a separate process to start the production of products,
to order it, follow the link:
I lead the OneBox group helping entrepreneurs users
I invite you to join the link: https://t.me/icoloronebox
Or contact me personally: +380504116974
discuss project details
07.10.2020, 14:13
Вячеслав Легеза Original comment available on version: ru

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