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Evaluate the improvement - Sales schedule of goods in the Item Card / Warehouse

in the product card there is a warehouse tab, where we see the movement of a particular product. Evaluate the addition of https://prnt.sc/vpapp2 to it in the filtering menu, preferably the ability to tick, for example, enable the display of the sales graph for this product for the entire period, broken down by days. in chart view. Displaying Posting and Selling on the same chart (only selling is enough for me, for example) https://prnt.sc/vparqb
This will provide an opportunity to visually analyze product sales.
Original question is available on version: ru


Implement the checkbox "Show schedule of operations by days" in the filtering panel, which will display a histogram by days based on filtered data (period, warehouses, etc.) - about 8 hours.
25.11.2020, 13:40
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
Administrator wrote:
Implement the checkbox "Show schedule of transactions by days" in the filtering panel, which will display a histogram by days based on filtered data (period, warehouses, etc.) - about 8 hours.

let's wait with that then
25.11.2020, 13:50
Original comment available on version: ru

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