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The number of sheets in the document. What variable represents?

Please tell me which variable is responsible for the number of sheets in the document.
In the document template of the UPD RF there is a field "The document is drawn up on XX sheets"
Variable {pageindex} does not display
Original question is available on version: ru


Most likely "none".
The fact is that from the point of view of OneBox - a document is just an html code and on which sheet and how it will be printed - it is not controlled by boxing in any way (and I don’t even know how to technically make it control).
Therefore, it is best to correct the template so that this phrase about the number of sheets is not in the document at all.
leave a dash and enter with a pen after printing
hard-sew 3 sheets there (you know the size of the document after printing).
22.09.2020, 11:57
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
Original comment available on version: ru

Thanks for the answer! So you have to enter manually after printing.
22.09.2020, 14:44
Original comment available on version: ru

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