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Problem with ordering

Good afternoon! When creating a new order, it asks for the required field of the client's email and without it does not save the new client. Could you turn off this required field, since we do not need it and show how to do it yourself
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello Victor!
When you create an order in the admin panel and at the same time create a client contact, you have the required phone and email fields.
And you need only the phone to be mandatory, did I understand you correctly?
09.02.2021, 14:57
Original comment available on version: ru

Hello Bogdan, yes
you only need a phone number
09.02.2021, 16:09
Original comment available on version: ru

Then you need to go to the system settings - other - Settings for adding a contact interface.
And in the https://prnt.sc/yudns1 setting, select the phone field like this https://prnt.sc/yudqdr . After that, only the phone will be required.
09.02.2021, 19:27
Original comment available on version: ru

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