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Search by partial name match or phone number?

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You can search for contacts by coincidence if you start writing a name or phone number from the very beginning. If you do not know the full name or phone number, you can add an asterisk at the end. It works.
But is it possible to somehow search by the last digits of a phone number or by partially entering a first / last name?
Database: +37369857197
Search: 857197
To find a match by part. Or put an asterisk before the numbers if you don't know the beginning. For example: *7197
or by name:
In the database: Vasily Petrov
Search: Vas Pet
What other tricks are there besides the asterisk? Maybe you will add a partial match search in the system?
Original question is available on version: ru


And it would be great if, when searching for a contact, it would display additional information: name, phone number, email.
Hints would really help to find the right client if it is in the database: https://prnt.sc/uezqyw https://prnt.sc/uezsuo
10.09.2020, 17:49
Original comment available on version: ru

by the name:
In the database: Vasily Petrov
Search: Vas Petr
this should work in global search
those. the search works on the first 3-4+ letters of the digits in the word/phone number, some other field (if the search for this field is enabled). It is not possible to make it work on the latest ones (from the example +37369857197 Search: 857197).
Adding https://prnt.sc/uezqyw here some information other than full name seems superfluous to me.
10.09.2020, 19:51
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote:
Adding https://prnt.sc/uezqyw here some information other than full name seems superfluous to me.

I dial part of the number in the search, but I don’t see the numbers that the system offers me, it seems to me that this is not very convenient in terms of what I am looking for. The system should show what it found. And you suggest not to show))
10.09.2020, 21:11
Original comment available on version: ru

To show - there is a global search. Here you are looking for a specific one contact, which, in the end, shows you, again, I see no reason to shove something other than a full name here
11.09.2020, 11:01
Original comment available on version: ru

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