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List of related questions and answers «Mail and letter management»

5 replies
05.06.2023, 15:02
It takes a very long time to send letters
Good day Letters are sent at best once an hour, can you see why? https://orc-test.kiev.ua/
4 answer
02.06.2023, 11:18
OneBox is bombarded with password recovery spam!
Good afternoon. OneBox bombards mail with spam, tries to send password recovery to the same mail. Letters appear in outbox every minute in the amo...
4 answer
26.05.2023, 17:21
microsoft mail not working
Here https://univer.1b.app/app/imap-new/settings/ Mail is not working mybroker@univer.ua There was an incoming letter but there is no letter in t...
Email notifications
I tried to implement sending notifications to customers by email about their orders. In the list to whom to send, the client indicated, as in the s...
8 replies
01.05.2023, 11:51
microsoft mail not working
Here is a revision https://1b.app/ru/forum/mail-management-solutions/16572-pochta-microsoft/ Mail is not working now Perhaps this is due to movin...
Sending letters
There was such a problem. It is necessary to select a substring from a variable containing a string, on a template for sending messages by mail. {|...
2 answer
Personal license
05.04.2023, 21:57
OS bugs in email templates when recovering a password
Please fix 2 templates, including for clients with a fully English interface (English speakers can't figure out what to do). 1) option: recover...
The HTML structure of the letter takes off when creating a process from the letter
The following problem arose: customers on the website fill out a form, which then arrives in the form of a letter to the Ukrnet mailbox, which is l...
3 answer
06.03.2023, 12:37
Emails and SMS from CRM have stopped being sent
Emails from CRM stopped being sent SMS are also not sent and the payments also stopped increasing
10 replies
01.03.2023, 18:38
gmail does not connect
Congratulations! I am asking for help, it is not possible to connect the postal address to the box The settings are as follows It is surprising...