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Hidden menu items

Opened access rights for the manager for several items
But it doesn't have them in the menu on the left:
It's been a day and still nothing shows up.
Original question is available on version: ru


Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
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Roman wrote:
Opened access rights for the manager for several items, but he does not have them in the menu on the left: https://prnt.sc/ufjl00https://prnt.sc/ufz4k0 It's been a day and still nothing is displayed

You need to further customize Menu http://i.imgur.com/1H6bKUx.png
That is, open the setting and put down these items there.
The access to the function itself and their display in the menu are separately configured
12.09.2020, 12:07
Original comment available on version: ru

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