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Problem with duplicate photos when uploading to a power outlet

We uploaded goods via yml from our website, as a result of which duplicate images appeared in the cards, namely: the main photo and the first from additional ones are the same (they also have the same url) https://prnt.sc/uu3tng
We send a request to replace the yml link for synchronization, but Rosette persistently asks to remove duplicate images from the upload. Socket validator: https://prnt.sc/uu3uz5 , https://prnt.sc/uu3vil . Download example: https://prnt.sc/uu3yr2
I tried to solve the problem myself by unloading the necessary goods from the Photo and Extras. photo in excel.
Then, using the formula "=REPLACE(C1;1;SEARCH(",";C1);)", I removed the first links to images from the additional photo column (duplicate images in the file disappeared), then I loaded them back into the box, but it did not give any result. https://prnt.sc/uu422j
Is there any way to remove duplicate images from the CRM cards of the system (or at least not upload them)? If there is, then whi
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello, such "doubles" in the system cannot be deleted except by hand. You can only write an automatic script that will list such products or remove duplicates. It will take 1 hour to finish
06.10.2020, 17:25
Original comment available on version: ru

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