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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with online stores»

6 replies
06.09.2023, 14:55
Availability status Good
I can not correctly transfer the statuses of products. The status "In stock" is transmitted, everything is OK (https://prnt.sc/bSSgprIz8vw7) And in...
1 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
05.09.2023, 10:19
Exporting products in WP error "Probatch, you can't overspend resources."
Good afternoon When exporting products in WP, the error is "Probatch, you can't recycle resources." https://favorov.1b.app/app/wordpress-1/ Tell me...
2 answer
03.09.2023, 13:04
OneBox won't load
Our box is not working https://knigarnia.1b.app/ Help!!!!
1 answer
30.08.2023, 15:38
Questions about loading product names from Opencart in Ukrainian + revision
1. I understand correctly that the name of the goods is transmitted in Ukrainian: - in the checkbox when creating a PPO check, - to document and pr...
1 answer
21.08.2023, 10:10
Duplicate item "cheaper together" when importing from Horosop
Please tell me how to solve the problem of duplicating the position "cheaper together" when importing an order with a good one when buying under th...
1 answer
Personal license
16.08.2023, 18:54
Fix link to token request in Opencart
We set up the integration with opencards, connected the action of importing orders into the system. The order was received in the system without pr...
1 answer
16.08.2023, 12:22
What is the waiting time for paid revision
Hello. There were problems with the integration of the site on opencart, I asked to do it on a paid basis https://1b.app/ru/forum/integrations-with...
8 replies
Bad INP on the site
Good day! System and site https://luxshina.ua/ Email received From: Google Search Console Team < sc-noreply@google.com > Content - "Your site has a...
2 answer
11.08.2023, 12:00
At what tariffs does integration with OneBox work well?
Good day. Whose website works for Horosop, please tell me at which tariffs Horosop works for integration with OneBox?
2 answer
10.08.2023, 12:45
Product photos are not included in opencart
Good day. I connected the second integration with openkart, but the photos do not load Here are the settings https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/app/...