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Error, prices are not updated from opencart in onebox (crowns)

There is an action once per hour that imports data from opencart
But on the example of two goods, the price has not changed. This is opencart https://ukrmoda.ua/ua/zhenskaya-vyshitaya-bluza-b-068-01
It's in OneBox /admin/shop/products/1083101/edit/
There is a suspicion that it does not work cron itself
Please correct.
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon.
Cron is working. Started at 15:01 and still running.
onecrmu+ 1714 0.8 1.1 722372 93896 ? S 15:01 1:22 /usr/bin/php -d memory_limit=1G -f /var/www/onecrmukrmodain/web1/web/cron/cron-hour.php
26.05.2021, 17:49
Original comment available on version: ru

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