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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with messengers»

7 replies
05.04.2023, 19:49
File sent to Viber Bot not loading
In the "Check out document" action, an additional process field is specified in the setting: Attach a PDF version of the generated document to an a...
5 replies
01.04.2023, 02:55
BAG. Please help urgently. An invalid phone number is added to the [phoneNumberViber] variable.
Apparently, some kind of failure, tk. worked correctly before. The client shared a phone number. At the stage, the action Add a comment to the pr...
2 answer
30.03.2023, 02:55
The action "Turn a viber message into a business process" creates processes one time
The action "Turn a viber message into a business process" is configured, which creates a "Viber message" BP with the status NEW MESSAGE. It includ...
2 answer
28.03.2023, 17:58
How to install the multichat application? What price
How to install the multichat application? What price
1 answer
21.03.2023, 16:35
Creating a chat or process in a telegram bot does not work
Here https://sara.1box.link/app/bot-constructor/1/ Most likely, the problem is also with the https://take.ms/9TzcU interface, because when you sele...
You have a typo in the description of the telegram
I attached the photo
5 replies
16.03.2023, 13:59
Ability to format text in mass mailing
Hello! I use the Telegram bot as a landing page for my project. In the Telegram bot designer, you have the opportunity to format text in text block...
4 answer
13.03.2023, 20:32
Is there any plan to improve this module?
Last year they promised that there would be a new version of this module. Please let me know if there are any plans to improve it. - Firstly, I am ...
1 answer
07.03.2023, 17:17
Does not pull up the customer's phone number
At the first message from the client, a contact is created without a phone number. The meaning of this contact and the work of this application, if...
The client's response via E-chat is not included in the process
Integration with E-chat is configured for the client https://construct.1b.app/660/ Configured "Convert E-chat message to process" automation. ...