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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with delivery services»

Sending TTN to email
There was a need to send information to customers about their order when they go to the approved stage. It is not possible to transfer TTN there. ...
2 answer
20.04.2023, 14:05
When creating a TTN return delivery, which payment method does the system transfer and how can it be changed?
The action at the "Create TTN return delivery Nova Poshta" stage for some TTNs began to issue an error "An error occurred. It was no...
Changes in the display of the TTN list
How to make a table with a list of tn displayed any additional information, such as the creation date and delivery address. It is also not clear ho...
2 answer
13.04.2023, 12:36
Ukrposhta print menu does not open
Here https://sara.1box.link/41288/ukrposhtainvoice/ There used to be an opportunity to call the print options https://take.ms/NhCYw To PDF, just pr...
1 answer
13.04.2023, 10:43
The print menu does not appear
Good day After creating a ttn, the menu for printing it does not appear. https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/38910988?key=5c3d7b563e87ebc63ae5f...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
12.04.2023, 12:04
Data is not pulled from the directory, which is connected to Novaya Poshta by automation
A guide was created, screens 1352, 1353 As well as additional fields for the contact card associated with this guide, screen 1351 Displayed...
BUG! Doesn't show return shipping TTN
https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/806556/ Does not show return shipping, it is very important to us!
2 answer
31.03.2023, 13:24
Statuses of business processes are not switched from the status of IR
Stop switching business process statuses depending on NP statuses, according to settings http://box.smart-gadget.club/ How can this be fixed?
4 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
31.03.2023, 08:39
BP stages do not change when the NP statuses change
A week ago, all actions at the stages of this BP stopped working https://drukaryk.1b.app/app/workflow/17/constructor/ , related to the change i...
1 answer
27.03.2023, 18:53
Problem with the Delete TTN New Mail action
If the TTN was created before today, then it is impossible to delete it through the API. The option Allow to switch the stage in case of a TPH d...