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Finish the integration of UkrPoshta

How I see the design of the UE through the action:
1. Refine "Package weight (g)" and "Largest side (cm)", I suggest taking the data here, like the NP - http://joxi.ru/YmExkMBtwlk9gr (since the parcels are all different!)
2. Improve the checkbox in the action "Pull full name and phone number from the order data, and not from the client's card" (since the client can order a friend / mother / sister, etc.)
3. Remove this error on the action - http://joxi.ru/Q2KNxQ9cLk7qBm - because we checked and it creates only with an index - right (only the index was indicated here - http://joxi.ru/Grq4ep7U4Bj8RA - and everything took shape correctly )
4. After clicking the stage, a TTN is created and immediately opens in a new tab, TTN printing - as in NP
5. After clicking the stage, a waybill is created and the waybill number is written in the field "Delivery invoice (order.order_deliverynote)" - as in the NP
6. To finalize the "Departure Type" I
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello. I can estimate the cost of each item if you are interested. Do assessments?
04.09.2020, 11:58
Original comment available on version: ru

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